Broken Candles? Here's How to Use Them


this is a picture of two broken candles

Have you ever bought a candle and was so excited to start burning it then accidentally dropped and shattered the glass? A great way to ruin a self-care day I tell you. But don't worry! Here's how you can use a broken candle.



candle making supplies

Let's start off with the supplies you'll need. Gather yourself: a pot, a pair of plastic gloves, an oven mitt or towel and some tweezers. These will prevent the wax from getting on your hands and, hopefully, prevent cuts and burns as well. 




1) Removing broken glass pieces

removing broken candle pieces from a candle jar using tweezers

Using your tweezers, carefully remove the broken pieces of glass from the candle wax. You may also use some napkins to wipe off the glass if that makes it easier for you as it did for me.



2) Melting the wax

melting candle wax using a pot as a double broiler

Once finished removing the glass pieces, add water to your pot and turn up the heat! You'll be using the double broiler method to melt your wax. Basically, once your water starts boiling, add your candle to the pot so the heat from the water can melt the bottom layer of the candle. This will help loosen the wax from the jar itself.


3) Removing the candle from the jar

After the bottom layer of the candle has melted, use your oven mitts or towel to remove the candle from the heat. Be careful since the jar will be hot.

removing candle from double broiler


At this point, you may have to remove more pieces of the glass to get a full grip on the candle. If not, put on your plastic gloves and simply remove the candle from the broken glass. Now, you have a pillar candle to burn! And if you're not into pillars, simply transfer your candle to a new jar and burn. 

removing candle from broken jar


These 3 simple steps will save your slippery hands some money and you'll never have to throw away a broken candle again. Watch this video for a visual on our Instagram on how to safely do all the steps mentioned. And if you ever do receive one of our candles in broken pieces, no need to do all that! Just return and we will make sure you get a new one.

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